Want to expand your capacity for creating the world you want to live in?
I’ve found that reading books is an important way to educate myself as I work to grow as a human in the world. But it can be hard to do that in isolation, whether it’s because you don’t know where to start, some concepts are confusing, or it’s just hard to hold yourself accountable to our goals without a little external support.
So I've decided the start the Soft Heart Book Club. This is a space where we can explore different works that explore how to be better humans, cultivate our communities, learn new skills, and be better prepared to create the world we want to live in.
We will focus on one book each month. We'll have an online space (currently being figured out) and monthly Zoom calls to talk about the book. The book club will provide social accountability, so you're more likely to actually read the books instead of letting them linger as to-do's. It also provides a safe learning space, so you can ask questions about the new concepts you're exploring in a space focused on supporting your growth.
Some of the books on the list include: All About Love by bell hooks, How We Show Up by Mia Birdsong, Mutual Aid by Dean Spade, and more.
If you're interested in checking out the reading list and being kept aware of the book club updates, sign up here. There's no pressure for any specific level of participation, but at least this will help you stay connected and encourage you to add some of these books to your list.
I look forward to learning with you, and growing our capacity to create the world we want to live in.
With love,

Thank you for being here 👋 I'm an immigrant from the US, now at home in Barcelona, Spain.
I write, make art, and create spaces for us to to share thoughts, feelings, & opportunities to explore how to create the world we want to live in. Being human is hard, but we can make it easier for each other. I believe in us. 💜