Studio update: Oracle cards, intuition, and flowers.
Hey softies,
Happy Monday (if you're reading this on Monday. If not, happy whatever day it is for you.) I wanted to take a moment to share with you some things I'm thinking about coming next in my work 💜
As I've been exploring the new medium of polymer clay, I've been trying to figure out how I want to bring it together with the rest of the work I'm creating. My watercolors are explorations of the natural world and deep dives into the symbolism humans have imbued different elements of the world with over the centuries we've been inhabiting the world. My collage poetry is all a very intuitive process, from choosing what to cut from the books to pulling out lines to arrange into poetry. I've been wanting to bring these layers of intuition and symbolism into the polymer clay medium in a more meaningful way.
So moving forward, I intend to step more deeply into creating pieces that are not only visually interesting but that also help you tap into your own intuition and symbolic layers of meaning. Early on I made some talismans with phrases on them that I really liked. I am going to expand on that to make sets of clay talismans with words and phrases on them that can be used as oracle grab bags -- pull out a piece to see what the world has to say to you today.
Continuing in that vein, I am beginning to put together the plans to create an oracle deck. (It feels scary to even say that out loud, but here we are.) I have a private tarot practice, and with all of my art being deeply intuitive anyway, I think it's time to connect that more with how I share these pieces publicly. I don't yet have an exact path toward what this deck will look like or the timeline on it, but I'll let you know about it. (If you aren't already, be sure to sign up to my email list to hear about upcoming releases and news.) Oracle decks can be a wonderful way to connect to your own intuition and to the wider under currents of the world around us, and I hope to contribute something that will be both beautiful and meaningful to you.
That's all for today! If you have any thoughts or questions, I'd love to hear them. Drop a comment here or reach out any other way 😘
with love,
Thank you for being here 👋 I'm a queer creative based in Barcelona working to be a good human and contribute to a world full of joy & care for ourselves and for future generations.
I want to work together to help you create the world you want to live in. I write, make art, and create community spaces for us to to share thoughts, feelings, & opportunities for us to explore together. Being human is hard, but we can make it easier for each other. I believe in us. 💜
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