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Riles Reads: How to Do Nothing by Jenny Odell

I first picked up How To Do Nothing by Jenny Odell because I was drawn to the floral cover. But then I couldn't put it down as it explored how to resist the attention economy, divest from capitalism, and create the lives we want to live. The way we live our lives, every day, shapes the world we live in. We have more power than we think. This book inspires me to not only be more intentional with my attention, but to remember how important it is to support my resistance from within. The revolution starts in our own minds.

My experience is what I agree to attend to. Only those items which I notice shape my mind—without selective interest, experience is an utter chaos. - How To Do Nothing by Jenny Odell

What we pay attention to shapes the world we live in. We have the ability to create our world by shifting our attention. Odell works through all the different ways our attention is diverted and reminds us that we must take back control in order to drive change. 

If you want to change the world, this book is for you. Because changing the world starts with changing our own minds. Doing nothing gives us space to reframe our focus, to push back against capitalism, to create the lives we want to live. Doing nothing is a practice. So it's time to start practicing.

The world needs my participation now more than ever.

We have to show up for ourselves and each other. We have to be active participants in the world we want to live in. Sometimes doing nothing is an important form of action. Grab your copy of How To Do Nothing by Jenny Odell from your local library,, or wherever you like to buy your books, and get started in your practice today!

If you want a community of other folks trying to do the same, consider joining the Soft Heart Book Club where we read one book a month to explore ourselves, the world, and how to create the lives we want to live.

You can also click here to check out art that I've made from lines from this book.

Thank you for being here 👋 I'm a queer creative based in Barcelona working to be a good human and contribute to a world full of joy & care for ourselves and for future generations.

I want to work together to help you create the world you want to live in. I write, make art, and create community spaces for us to to share thoughts, feelings, & opportunities for us to explore together. Being human is hard, but we can make it easier for each other. I believe in us. 💜

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