Interested in joining an artist mastermind group to level up your art business?

Mastermind groups are a common thing among professionals in any field, and art really shouldn't be any different. If anything, it makes more sense for us artists to group together as art is often a solo show. And while many of us (myself very much included) do enjoy our solitary work, it can get overwhelming to figure it all out alone, especially if you're a self taught artist and entrepreneur. 

So to solve some of that, I want to put together my first Artist Mastermind Group. This is not a paid group. (I may consider something like that at a later time, and there are good reasons to do it that way, but that is not what I'm exploring today.) 

Is this Artist Mastermind Group right for you?

Well, are you an active artist working on growing your artistic business? Do you feel a little lonely or isolated as a solo entrepreneur? Are you not sure what steps to take to reach your goals and not sure who to talk to? Do you ask yourself questions like “How do I make a living selling art but also live by anti-capitalist values and be a good human in the world?”

Do you know what some of your top goals are for your art business in 2021, but just aren't totally sure on how to achieve them? Can you commit to show up to twice monthly meetings to share thoughts, set goals, give and receive feedback, and generally help everyone in the group achieve their goals?

If the answer to the above questions is yes, than this is definitely something I'd love for you to explore with me.

To sign up, click here and fill out this intake form.

After you fill that out, I will reach out to you to figure out if it's a good fit right now. 

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me anywhere or drop them as comments here. I look forward to hearing from you and working with some of you to help us achieve our goals together as we create the world we want to see. 



Join an artist mastermind group for caring creatives

Thank you for being here 👋 I'm an immigrant from the US, now at home in Barcelona, Spain.

I write, make art, and create spaces for us to to share thoughts, feelings, & opportunities to explore how to create the world we want to live in. Being human is hard, but we can make it easier for each other. I believe in us. 💜

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